Higher Education Institutions

Featured below is a list and description of all Danish higher education institutions: Universities, University Colleges, Business Academies and Artistic Higher Education Institutions.

Several higher education institutions offer summer courses taught in English which gives you a wonderful opportunity to experience Denmark at its best. If you want to stay longer, there are three types of institutions at a higher level- each with a well-defined profile and quality. These institutions cooperate in various areas making it easy transferring credits over the institutional borders. Most schools in Denmark use the European credit transfer system, ECTS, facilitating international credit transfer.

The Danish universities Denmark has five universities: Copenhagen University, Aarhus University, Danmarks Technical University, Syddansk University and Aalborg University covering a vast field of research areas. The institutions are offering three types of academic examines: The Bachelor, the candidatus and the PhD reaching from three years of education up eight year.

  • 3-year bachelor programmes (BSc/BA).
  • 2-year candidatus programmes (MSc/MA).
  • 3-year PhD programmes

In Denmark the university programmes are held at faculties situated in the larger cities, which are either built up with multi-faculty institutions or specialised institutions such as technical science, agriculture and veterinary science, business and architecture.

As an international student you etiher go by a degree programme, exchange/guest student programme or a summer university programme. A vast selection of the programmes and courses offered in Denmark are taught in English.

University colleges/Colleges in Denmark

The University Colleges are institutions which have a professional focus and combine theoretical studies with applied research and practical application. Most of the University Colleges in Denmark have a strong regional commitment and are offering 3-4 - year professional bachelor programmes in fields such as business, education, engineering, IT, nursing and social work. These bachelor programmes are always including a larger project and lean on work placements.

The Academies of professional higher education

The Danish Academies of professional higher education have a very strong linkages with the regional business life in Denmark and are combining theoretical studies with a practice-oriented education. The programmes are around two years long and usually completed with a project of 3 months' duration.

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